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Demon's Soul (Blood Moon Book 2) Page 3
Demon's Soul (Blood Moon Book 2) Read online
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“When you put it like that…” Sonia murmured.
Hari shrugged. “Do what you guys like.”
Ethen said nothing, but he did not oppose the decision, either.
But Blade did not feel any relief when he said, “I’ll call Drake in, and we can get the system rolling.”
The mobster was waiting with the lion shifter Junaid, who managed Oasis, in a room next door. Blade sent a message to the manager, asking him to bring Drake with him. For the second time in a week, Blade came face to face with the mobster. He just hoped it would not become a regular occurrence. When they’d both sat, he said, “We’ve agreed to go ahead with the system.”
Junaid’s jaw clenched. Blade had already spoken to him and told him he wanted him to be in charge of the project. He hadn’t wanted to hand this work over to the lion shifter, because he deserved better. Blade took him on two years ago, because he’d managed several successful bars, and was also a trained weapons master, skilled in the arts of attack and defense. And someone who was not afraid to get his hands dirty. But when Blade mentioned that he planned for him to manage the new security system, the goateed shifter hadn’t been pleased with the suggestion, and it seemed that he might even refuse to do his job. His reaction at the news that they’d agreed to James’ demand was expected, but the surprise was when Drake’s face tightened. From what Blade knew of the mobster, he didn’t like being involved in such work, but it was part and parcel of the business. Drake pulled out his mobile and tapped a few keys. “I’m sending the names and photos of the girls to you now, Blade.”
“Thanks.” When the details arrived, Blade didn’t even look at them before forwarding the images and information to Junaid. The lion shifter did a hell of a job managing Oasis and was the right man for this task. He didn’t have to like the job to do it effectively.
“The girls receive a warning before you report them,” said the mobster. James wasn’t thrilled by the suggestion of giving the women a chance, but Drake seemed intent on reminding Blade that they had some leeway. “I’ll just call James and let him know what’s been agreed.” He pulled up his boss’s contact on his phone, and with his enhanced hearing, Blade could hear the ringing sound before James’ grating voice spoke on the other side. After Drake had spoken to him, he handed the phone to Blade. “He wants to talk to you.”
Blade took the mobile and held it next to his ear, out of habit rather than need. “We’ll call it a trial.” James’ voice was low. “But if you don’t hand any girls in soon, I’ll assume you’re taking the piss, and we’ll be back to square one.”
“I’ve got no intention of taking the piss.”
“Fine. But what will happen when my girls are bounced back from Oasis and go to other places instead? Yours isn’t the only supernatural club in Manhattan, you know.”
For fuck’s sake. “I’ll arrange a meeting with supernaturals who own clubs or bars. But you’ll have to deal with the ones managed by humans.”
“It’s a deal. As long as my girls stay away from businesses owned by supernaturals, I don’t anticipate us having any more problems.”
Once Blade handed the phone back, the mobster stood. “If there are any issues with this arrangement, demon, I’d appreciate it if you contacted me first.”
No worries on that account. “I will, Drake.” James might officially be in charge, but many associates dealt with Drake when it came to the important stuff. Blade gave it one or two years, and James wouldn’t be able to cling to the pretense of calling the shots. He looked forward to that day, because the younger guy was a hell of a lot more reasonable, with a good head on his shoulders. “Thanks for coming.”
After the mobster left, a silence descended in the room. It was Hari who broke it. “So we’re seriously going to hand those women over to James?”
“We’ve got no choice, have we?”
She stared at Blade as if she’d never seen him before. “Even though you know that he’ll make an example of them for others?”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
If the girls knew what was good for them, one warning would be enough to keep them away.
JAMES STOOD OVER HER, a blade in his hand. He didn’t use it, not yet. Instead, he drew the fear out of her, thriving off it like the bastard he was. She struggled, but her wrists and ankles were bound. The pain would come, she knew it would. And part of her wanted it come quickly, so it would be over fast. And once that was done with, he would fuck her in the most vile ways possible. But at least it would be over…
But this waiting…it could go on forever. Fear twisting her chest every time he twitched, nausea gripping her insides. And then he approached, and she twisted against the binds. It was coming…pain…forcing bile to her throat. As he lifted his hand, his beady eyes on her naked body, a scream left her mouth…
There was a bang against the wall, forcing her eyes open. “Alyssa! Can I get a fucking night of decent sleep?” She had never loved the sound of Daisy’s voice so much.
She sat up on her bed, relieved as she adjusted to being in her bedroom, and then switched on the lamp before checking her mobile. 7 in the evening. She’d worked late last night and by the time she washed and got into bed, it was lunchtime. She pulled back the covers and stood. The tiny room had no furniture apart from the bed and a chair where her clothes sat in a heap. She grabbed a towel and went into the shared bathroom to take a shower. Daisy had got to bed even later than she had, and Angie was glad she wasn’t awake yet. The last thing she needed was her flatmate going on about what an idiot she was for avoiding James’ men. After returning to her bedroom, she picked up a floral knee-length dress from the chair and then made up her face with lip gloss and eye liner. She ran a brush through her hair, which was naturally dark and soft, but after a series of bad highlight jobs, dry as fuck. She then slipped out of the apartment before Daisy left her room and got a lecture in.
It was only 8, a lot earlier than she would usually leave for work, but she could not risk being at the apartment. James’ thugs would be back, and she didn’t put it past them not to restrain her and take her over to the bastard’s mansion. But how long was she going to keep avoiding them? The other day, when she got into Eclipse, she’d found another customer after the middle-aged bearded guy…but when she tried to get into the club the following night, she was knocked back. And because she was trying to stay out of James’ reach, she was not doing any jobs for him, either. But she had to keep at this, because the alternative…no.
She crossed the river to the other side but did not go to the venue immediately. In an hour or so, there’d be a crowd outside the entrance, and she would have more chance of getting in. She walked alongside the riverside, trying not to think, instead imagining that she was a clubber whiling away time before she went to Oasis. As she walked away from the crossing point, there was less noise, until eventually, there was almost peace. She stood by the water, staring into its depths. And not for the first time, the thought crossed her mind. I could end it now. But no, she didn’t want the abuse and desperation to be all she ever experienced. She wanted to experience life…like those people she saw walking the streets of Manhattan without a care…like one of those clubbers crossing the river now. She wanted to know how it felt to have freedom and no fear. It was the reason she walked back up the river and toward Eclipse.
It was still early, but that meant she might have time to secure more customers than she did last time, so she passed through the gate of Oasis and joined the queue. At this time, there were not as many clubgoers as usual, but enough for her to go unnoticed…she hoped. And when she glanced at the entrance, there was a different set of security guards from the other night, when she got knocked back. They were headed by a handsome olive-skinned guy with a goatee, and he did not question anyone. Not even that woman in a tight leather skirt and top with a plunging neckline. Looks like I’ll get in tonight. She relaxed as she got closer to the entrance. Yes, another woman in a red PVC dress that bar
ely covered her backside got through. Whoever this new guy was, while he was working the entrance, Alyssa would have no problem getting in. She could come back here every night, start early and get in three or four customers…as she stepped toward the entrance, a beep went off, one that hadn’t for the other customers.
The goateed security guy indicated she should step to the side. As she did, the customers who had been behind her were let through with no checks. The guard had a mobile in his hand and glanced between it and her face. “Alyssa?” What the hell? His eyes flitted over the queue, and she guessed he didn’t want to make a scene. “Come with me.” She knew better than to argue with the muscled male and followed him to a side gate. He led her through it and into a small alley. “You’re one of James’ girls, aren’t you?”
She stood still, unable to speak. How the fuck did he know that?
“There’s no point denying it, Alyssa. We’ve got a new system in the club. It means none of you girls can get in anymore.” If she couldn’t come back here, how would she make the money to escape James? That bastard would be free to torture her for as long as he wanted…her legs gave way, and she leaned against the wall behind her. The security guy’s face almost softened. “Look, I know it’s not easy, but you’re gonna have to go somewhere else from now on. Don’t bother coming back, because our systems have recorded this warning. The next time I see you here, I report you to James. This is your first and last chance.”
They wouldn’t do that, would they? When James discovered which of his girls were going behind his back…no! Her voice shook. “I won’t return.”
He walked back through the gate and then slammed it behind him. She didn’t need to be a genius to know it had been locked. What the hell would she do now? Find a different club to work in? But it would be the same anywhere, wouldn’t it? Rumors had it that James had planned to get tough on the girls for a while, and no club or bar owner was stupid enough to go against someone like him. Could she take the risk of coming back here? She’d already pissed the mob boss off by refusing to see him. If he found out she was one of the hookers who worked behind his back…fuck, she didn’t want to think about it. She walked away from the gate, not knowing where she was going.
If she couldn’t return to Eclipse, what would she do? And why didn’t she go behind James’ back earlier? She might have saved up some money by now, if she hadn’t waited for months to get the guts together. Even on the days she didn’t find customers, the vampires in the Blood Zone were a last resort, and they usually paid decent money for fresh blood. Now, even that option was gone. Fuck James. He would make sure that the women who worked for him remained so poor that they couldn’t leave.
She walked along the wall and came to a gate that led to the rear of the complex. A mad thought struck her. Was there a way to sneak into the club? She doubted it, but right now she was so desperate that she would try anything. If she continued as she had, nothing would change. She was already in her mid-twenties. With her shit diet and the stress and abuse, in a few years, she’d be no good to men such as James anymore. And then she’d be thrown onto the streets. If she thought she had little choice now, what would it be like then?
She tried the gate, but it was locked. When she glanced through it, there was only one guard ahead. But how the hell would she get inside? It was sheer desperation that drove her over the wall, literally. She avoided those bloody spikes along the top of the wall, her heart in her mouth, knowing that one slip of the foot and she’d be gored: a mangled warning that would probably be left to warn others. But if she didn’t take this risk, she was stuck with James until he drained every bit of life out of her before spitting her back out.
She managed to get over and then pressed back up against the wall. To the right of her was the guard she’d seen from outside, so she edged along the wall in the opposite direction, taking advantage of the darkness. Her back was to the wall and her eyes on the guard as she moved. She reached a gate, but when she went for its handle, it was locked. She tried the next one. Also locked. Shit. She might have to brave that wall again, without a dollar to show for the fact that she’d risked her damn life. She carried on along the wall until she came to another gate…open. Thank fuck! She opened it and slipped inside...and entered paradise.
The beautiful white villa, with its large glass doors and windows, made her eyes brim with tears. It was just a matter of luck, wasn’t it? If she’d been born into a different body, this could have been her life. She walked around the villa until she reached a swimming pool. A private bloody swimming pool. Ivy-clad walls surrounded the whole of the villa and pool, providing privacy. What the hell am I doing? She’d broken into Eclipse. The thought nearly gave her a panic attack. The implication of what she’d done crawled through her stomach, bringing nausea with it.
She had to get out of here before she was seen. She went back toward the gate she’d just come through, but there were now two more guards outside. Damn, she couldn’t make it out without being seen. She returned to the pool, and it suddenly hit her. The villa was empty. She waited a few minutes as she stared at the wide glass windows that looked into the living room. There was light inside but no people. Definitely nobody here.
I’m safe.
She had no option but to wait until there were fewer guards around, and in the meantime, she might as well enjoy this little taste of heaven. It wasn’t as if she would be in a villa like this again any time soon. When clients took her some place that wasn’t a back alley, it was usually a downtrodden motel room where the flimsy locks on the doors had her keeping an eye on the handle as she was fucked. She stood next to the swimming pool and closed her eyes, imagining that this villa was hers, and she wasn’t that girl who thought she’d escaped an abusive father and poverty, only to discover that life could always get worse.
Yes, this villa, pool, the safety here, it was all hers. I don’t need to worry about anything. There is no more James in my life.
A little bubble of joy rose inside her, and after opening her eyes, she held on to that feeling. Even if it was temporary, she would make the most of this. She glanced at the bar on the other side of the pool. Why not? She went over and opened the fridge, pulling out a bottle of beer—it looked like the cheapest drink in there. She couldn’t swim, because the last thing on the mind of her abusive father had been to waste money on swimming lessons—so she placed her bag on a lounger and then sat at the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in it as she took a swig from the bottle. The tears returned to her eyes.
Why couldn’t I have had a different life?
BLADE LEANED BACK IN THE office chair, taking a few moments to think. The situation with James was being brought under control. Images of James’ women were installed in devices that now hung above the entrance of Oasis and any other zones where they might go. They scanned the faces of clubbers for matches, and they’d picked out more than Blade was comfortable with. According to the data on the laptop before him, over twenty in less than two days.
Some of those girls would return, and he had to hand them over to James. Because if he didn’t, some shit would rear its head. The mobsters were giving them an opportunity to fix this, but the chance of them ignoring another discrepancy was next to nil. Fuck. He’d worked too damn hard to put all this together. When he first took over the island with his supernatural partners, there was outrage in Manhattan. It was only when they aligned with powerful people like James and other human agencies, and promised to ensure harmony, that the complex could progress with minimal opposition. Eclipse had grown into a mini-city with zones catering to different tastes, but if the mobsters thought they were being hard done by, it wouldn’t take them long to turn on supernaturals. Damn, most of them only held back because they didn’t want to test what a lot of powerful humans were curious about. What powers did supernaturals hold, and how far would the beings go to protect their own territories?
His attention got pulled to the beeping on his phone. Ethen,
the fae. “I’ve received your message about the meeting, Blade. Who else have you invited?”
“Anyone who’s involved with the mob or has premises where James’ girls might go.” Because once they realized they couldn’t get into Oasis, those women would go elsewhere. And it was best to deal with that situation before it reared its head and caused more issues with the mob boss.
“The new system’s working at Oasis?”
“Yes. Junaid’s given out plenty of warnings already.” The lion shifter had put one hell of a system in place, which recorded when a girl had received a warning, but he wasn’t happy with the situation. Blade only hoped the women had enough sense to keep away once they knew they were being monitored, so he didn’t have to continue with this sorry project. “I’m counting on the rest of the supernatural bars and lounges in Manhattan being managed the same way. I’m counting on our kind to back me up here and make sure we don’t run into such issues again.”
“They won’t need telling twice. After we were exposed, we’ve all worked our backsides off to get anywhere, and nobody wants to lose out. Although I’m itching for a fight with those assholes.” Before Blade could reprimand him, “Anyway, why don’t you come down and join us. The Blood Zone has fresh members in tonight, and some of them are up for partying after—”
“Not interested.”
“You go off to your celibate lifestyle, demon, and we’ll have fun on your behalf. See you soon.”
He wasn’t completely celibate, although he might as well be…but damn, getting laid didn’t interest him, not when there was constant crap to sort out. Because he was so involved in this initiative to maintain peace between humans and supernaturals, he’d become the official go-to guy who everyone consulted if anything came up. Hell, when that issue rose between Shaun and the mob, Drake had contacted Blade and asked him to bloody mediate. It was a job he didn’t get paid for and one that brought a shitload of stress with it, but if it kept the peace, it was worth his time. Anyway, he’d done enough cleaning up after other people’s messes and was going to take a break and enjoy his damn villa for once.